
Spherical Storage Tanks With ASME Standard

Original price was: $2,000,000.00.Current price is: $1,350,000.00. $945,000.00

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Spherical Tanks

ASME 2500 cubic meters 1250 tons LPG propane liquefied petroleum gas storage sphere spherical tanks

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Spherical Tanks

LNG Spherical Storage Tank Model | Oil & Gas Maintenance Training Aid

Spheres are typically used to store below ambient temperature liquids and pressurized gases such as ammonia, propylene, LPG, butadiene, etc. Most (or many) spheres operate at low temperatures with -50°C (-58°F) as a lower limit. Gases are stored under pressure at a temperature lower than their liquefaction temperature.

Forms of Tanks

The usage and content of the storage tanks determine the form of tank necessary.

Spherical Reservoir Tanks – Such storage tanks are used primarily to hold strong-pressure liquids. The curved form is quite strong for the spherical tanks. The even application of pressures both externally and internally on the surfaces of the globe means there’re no vulnerabilities. However, spheres are more expensive to produce than cylindrical containers.  The drawback of the triangular holding reservoirs is that the space per cubic meter is less than any type.

LNG Spherical Storage Tank Model

Model: 295-201

Worldwide’s LNG Spherical Storage Tank Model (295-201) is a to-scale model of a high-pressure, spherical liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank. This type of LNG storage tank is commonly used in the oil & gas industry and refining industries.

That means the amount of heat converted to the fluid in the sphere from either the warmer environments.

The main advantage of the spherical construction is that the stress concentration in a spherical shape will be minimal while storing pressurized gases as the stress resistance will be uniform over the total surface. Another advantage is the reduced exterior surface for a given storage volume as compared to all other possible shapes.

Because of the cold storage temperatures and the often, high ambient temperatures and humidity outside the sphere, it is a key requirement to have a well-designed and installed thermal insulation system in place to keep the temperature inside the sphere consistent.

Why Are Spherical Storage Tanks Prevalent in Oil & Gas Facilities?

Many oil and gas producers prefer spherical tanks to store high-pressure fluids over other simpler tank designs. Why is this? Here are a few of the reasons.

Spherical Storage Tanks Are Stronger

Other types of storage tanks commonly found in the oil and gas production industries such as the common fixed roof tank and the external floating roof tank, use many parts that need to either be bolted or welded together. For high-pressure storage, these bolted or welded seams are weak points where the pressure may compromise the tank’s integrity over time. This high pressure also causes stress on these tanks’ surfaces unequally, contributing to faster wear and tear within the tank itself.

Spherical storage tanks have fewer separate parts, so they have fewer seams or welded connection points which make them stronger. The spherical shape distributes the stresses created by the high pressure evenly which also improves the strength of the tank.

Spherical Tanks Have Less Surface Area

The pressure inside of a storage tank is related to the temperature of the liquid in the tank. The temperature outside of the tank dramatically influences the temperature inside the tank. Because spherical storage tanks have less surface area than other storage tanks, the outside temperature’s influence has less of an effect on spherical storage tanks than it does on the fixed roof and floating roof tanks.

Spherical Tanks Resist Corrosion Better

Because of the shape of fixed roofs and floating roof storage tanks, snow and rain can accumulate on the roof. Prolonged contact with snow, and rain can accelerate corrosion on the roof of the tank. The rain and snow tend to roll off of spherical tanks a lot faster, reducing the amount of time they are in contact with them, and reducing possible opportunities for corrosion.

Long Beach Off-Coast Port is one of America’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of Spherical Storage Tanks, delivering them throughout the USA, individuals, and to the mining, construction, agricultural and corporate sectors.

You can order your containers from Long Beach Off-Coast Port at any time of the day or night. This process is entirely digital with an easy check-out process. So easy, you can complete your order in only a few minutes.

Dimensional stability and compatibility with substrate expansion/contraction.

As the sphere is placed in service and is cooled to operating temperature, the sphere surface contracts and the sphere diameter reduces.   The insulation system must be designed to accommodate this dimensional change.

Spherical Storage Tank Designs Are Better for Large Storage Tanks

Fabricating spherical storage tanks are more expensive than building the other common storage tank designs but is more affordable when constructing large storage tanks.

Forged Components Manufactures ASME Pressure Vessel Connections for Spherical Storage Tanks

The temperature difference between the object and the ambient outside environment is what leads to surface condensation.  This, in combination with moisture ingress through other means from the outside, can have severe adverse effects on the efficiency and safety of your sphere.

Long Beach Off-Coast Port offers several shipping options. If you select one of the delivery options, your container will be delivered to your location within the delivery window you’ve selected after the order payment date.


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